überXMHF installation images

There are two options to building/installing überXMHF:

  1. Follow the online documentation and build and install from sources for the desired platform: https://docs.uberxmhf.org/

  2. Download one of the following disk images and burn it to your disk/SD card. These images come pre-installed with the choice of OS and überXMHF built from the latest release. Follow the instructions below to write these images to the disk/SD card. Note: you will need to have a minimum physical disk size as indicated by the Disk Size column.

Platform Arch. OS Distribution Image Disk Size Login SHA256
Raspberry Pi 3 (Model B) ARMv8_32 Raspbian Linux 4.4.y Raspbian Jessie Lite Download Here 8GB username: pi, password: lab1exam 331bc660445f788bd0d0e177717011bdf9e469f5c3fbf0fc2770fb6a0997c19d

Instructions (if you are running Linux):

  • Download and unzip the image .zip file
  • Calculate the sha256 sum with the command: sha256sum uberxmhf-rpi3-armv8_32-rpilinux-4.4.y-jessie-lite.img
  • Compare the calculated sum with SHA256 column value to ensure authenticity/correctness of the image download
  • Copy the image to an SD card or disk using the command: sudo dd if=uberxmhf-rpi3-armv8_32-rpilinux-4.4.y-jessie-lite.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=32M status=progress

Instructions (if you are running Windows):

  • Download and unzip the image .zip file
  • Download and install win32diskimager from https://sourceforge.net/projects/win32diskimager/
  • Run win32diskimager and load uberxmhf-rpi3-armv8_32-rpilinux-4.4.y-jessie-lite.img
  • Calculate the sha256 sum by choosing SHA256 within the hash pull down selection
  • Compare the calculated sum with SHA256 column value to ensure authenticity/correctness of the image download
  • Select the correct SD card drive and copy the image to it by clicking on the write button. If everything goes well, you will get a write successful message.


  • Replace /dev/mmcblk0 with the device file of your SD card or disk
  • Replace uberxmhf-rpi3-armv8_32-rpilinux-4.4.y-jessie-lite.img with the image file name inside the image .zip download
  • If you physical disk is larger than the Disk size column, that is fine. You will only end up using the size indicated on the physical disk. If you so choose, you can increase the root partition size by using a partition tool such as gparted to use the remainder of the disk.